Student ministry

Student ministry is here to walk along side parents and not-so-little children. Student ministry here at Cornerstone welcomes all youth 6th grade to 12th grade throughout the week. Not only do students meet weekly to worship & dig deeper into the sermon and learn how to apply it to their everyday lives, student ministry also volunteers and works along side children ministries. Its a great place to learn how to become a young adult of a Christ-centered life!

Weekly gatherings

Our youth meet at 4:00 pm on Sunday afternoons. We are currently in a series entitled “1, 2, 3 John”. 

Contact Pastor Chris Keener for more information!

youth outreach

At Cornerstone, our youth are extremely talented in many directions! We have been blessed to incorporate them into our music & praise times with our children for special events, Family Worship, VBS, and more. Youth are able to learn, teach and show the love of Christ to little ones within our church by singing, dancing, and teaching hand motions to memorize scripture! 

Not only does our youth work with our children, they also are always up for a task. From raking leaves at members homes, setting up thanksgiving dinners, volunteering at various events within the community. They are a tremendous group of young adults to have within the body of Christ.